Our LPA Service ensures peace of mind, we never forget that this is your loved one’s life and their money and we fully respect their life choices.

Wills and Estate Jersey – Lasting Power of Attorney

While a Jersey Will deals with the distribution of your assets after you pass away, it is also essential to have provisions in place should you lose the capacity to make decisions for yourself. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) protects your interests during your lifetime.

An LPA  is a legal document that appoints one or more people as your attorney. That individual or individuals can make decisions about health, welfare, property and financial matters if you no longer have mental capacity.

No one likes to consider the prospect of declining mental capacity, but for peace of mind, it should be considered. Making an LPA  enables you to plan how your financial affairs, health and wellbeing will be looked after, just in case. Without one, your loved ones may not be allowed to take care of you the way you wish. Hence the importance of making sure a LPA  is in place as soon as possible.

We also offer support if you are acting as someone’s attorney yourself. We will help you understand your role and responsibilities and guide you through the tasks you will need to complete. Find out more about our fixed fee attorney packages by contacting our team​.

Parslows Jersey Lawyers for Wills Probate and Estate Planning LPA

What is a lasting power of attorney for?

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) allows an individual who is deemed to be mentally sound to confer power upon another to act on their behalf regarding all, or specific, matters, such as the signing of legal documents. The law gives people the opportunity, while they still have the capacity, to make their own decisions regarding their financial and personal aff­airs and health and welfare, so that these decisions and choices will continue to take eff­ect should they lose capacity.

Who can enter into a Jersey lasting power of attorney?

Any Jersey resident over 18 can put a Lasting Power of Attorney in place as long as they have the mental capacity.

Who can be appointed as attorney?

Generally, family and friends are appointed, though it is possible to appoint a professional executor such as a Jersey Advocate.

Is it possible to limit what the attorney can do or not do?

You can limit the power you give to your attorney so that they can only deal with certain assets and it can also be limited for a period of time.

What types of lasting power of attorney are there?

There are two types of Jersey lasting power of attorney:

  • Health and welfare matters: this can cover wishes regarding medical treatment, care and life-sustaining treatment (including the refusal of such treatment).
  • Property and financial matters: this can cover a power to pay debts, make provision for the payment of that person’s, or their family’s maintenance and benefit, or make financial gifts to charities or people.
Once I have a Lasting power of attorney will I need to revisit it at all?

We would suggest that you review your lasting powers of attorney from time to time as circumstances may and do change.

Can I not use the general power of attorney that I granted for my property transaction?

A general power of attorney can be used while you retain mental capacity. If you lose mental capacity, the general power of attorney will be automatically revoked.

I am the appointed attorney under a foreign enduring (lasting) power of attorney and there are assets in Jersey - can I use this foreign enduring (lasting) power of attorney in Jersey?

The Royal Court of Jersey will recognise the foreign power of attorney (or equivalent document such as a deputy order) provided that power of attorney is registered with the Royal Court of Jersey. Once registered, the Attorney appointed under the foreign document has the legal authority to deal with the assets in Jersey and this is confirmed by way of a formal Act of Court document.

Whether you are an attorney for someone else or you are about to appoint an attorney, our expert lawyers are here to assist you with your questions about the Lasting Power of Attorneys.

What our clients say

“may I thank you and your team for the hard work…”

I can confirm that I have received my share of the funds and may I thank you and your team for the hard work you have put into this complicated case. I am somewhat relieved it has finally reached its conclusion and can now hopefully relax. Is there anything else I need to know or do? Sincere thanks,

Overseas probate client – July 2024

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning July 22, 2024

“Swift and easy process…”

Thank you so much. I’m very impressed with the swift and easy process with you. I will surely recommend you to anyone who needs a Jersey solicitor.

Fast track probate – July 2024

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning July 10, 2024

“Thank you for your assistance in this process…”

Thank you for your assistance in this process. You were quick and efficient. You helped take away a lot of stress. I really appreciate you and your team. Wishing you all the best.

Overseas probate client – April 2024

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning April 5, 2024

” Recommend your firm to my colleagues…”

I really appreciate your assistance in this case, and will be sure to contact you in future/recommend your firm to my colleagues should Jersey Probate be required in any future cases.

UK Solicitor – Probate client

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning April 2, 2024

” Thank you for all your professional help…”

Thank you very much for this information. I am extremely pleased. Thank you for all your professional help with this estate and your extreme patience! It has been a pleasure.

UK Solicitor – Probate client

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning February 23, 2024

“Navigating the Jersey system is not easy…”

Thanks to you all for expeditiously handling this sensitive matter, I really appreciate it. Navigating the Jersey system is not easy but am glad a friend of mine asked me to use your law firm.

Fast track UK Probate client

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning February 16, 2024

“Yes, I’m so appreciative with your great services !”

Thanks a lot for all of you again 🙏🏼

Probate client from Hong Kong

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning December 7, 2023

“Thank you very much for this…”

I must say I was very impressed with the way you delivered your services and will not hesitate to contact you in future should the need arise.

Lasting Power of Attorney client – October 2023

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning November 21, 2023

“Thank you..”

Thank you Beverley, and Natalie, for making this process as easy for us as you have done, it is appreciated.

Lasting Power of Attorney client – October 2023

Wills, Probate & Estate Planning October 16, 2023