Jersey shareholder disputes

Jersey shareholder disputes

Picture the scene, business is on the up, dividends are being paid, what can possibly go wrong? Hopefully nothing, but it is best to be realistic.  There is always the possibility that a dispute may flare up between shareholders even if the business is well.  This is...

An overview of the Jersey courts

An overview of the Jersey courts Jersey has its own distinct and separate legal system which is separate from that of other jurisdictions. Jersey’s litigation procedure is mainly embodied in the Royal Court Rules (the “Rules”). The Rules broadly reflect the English...

What does discovery mean in litigation?

What Does Discovery Mean in Litigation? Discovery is the legal process by which the parties to litigation reveal their documentary evidence to each other. What documents can be subject to discovery? In this briefing we outline, in general terms, what the definition of...

Application for a Degrévèment

Application for a Degrévèment In general terms degrévèment will be sought in lieu of en désastre proceedings. The key difference between en désastre and degrévèment is that degrévèment applies to individual properties, as opposed to the entirety of the debtor’s estate...