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Is “divorce day” a myth or a reality?

The first working Monday of the New Year has been coined by the media as “divorce day”. A day when family lawyers are supposed to see an increase in the number of enquiries, after the stresses of a family Christmas and have spent most of the festive break considering their options for divorce. This year divorce day is technically Monday 10th January 2022. But is divorce day a myth or a reality?

There are of course, times of the year which are considered ‘busy periods’, however, the first working Monday in January alone cannot accurately claim the title which the media has given it. Traditionally January sees a higher than average number of enquiries.That is usually due to the New Year, new start and the reluctance of families to bring about disruption before Christmas. However, this trend does not always follow and 2020 was a prime example where there were no trends or discernible patterns that year. Given the various lockdowns which took place in 2020, clients, generally speaking, either felt that there was never an ideal time for parents to separate or that they simply could not face another lockdown with their spouse. We do not feel that an event such as separating or divorce, can be accredited to, as the media have attempted to do, to one specific day in the calendar.

Making the decision to commence divorce proceedings is never an easy one no matter what time of the year. Each case is different in terms of the reasons why the relationship has broken down, not all separations are acrimonious, and some couples come to us merely to address the formalities.

The majority of family lawyers, when receiving new enquiries, will often explore alternatives to the court route, unless the case requires urgent court intervention. At Parslows we are committed to the client journey and being a full-service law firm means we can get you instant access to other specialist lawyers whether that is to execute a new Will, provide advice regarding Company assets or selling or transferring the matrimonial home.

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