News & Insights

Covid-19 Notice for attending Parslows office

Requirements in place should you need to attend Parslows office

In line with many other businesses on the Island and due to the increase in Covid-19 cases recently, we now ask that you do not attend our offices if you or someone living or staying with you has been out of the Island until they or you have received a Day 5 negative test result.

Attendance will be by appointment only.

When you do attend our offices please can you:

  • Wash your hands before you enter our reception area (in the rest room)
  • Confirm to reception that you have not been in any contact with anyone suspected of Covid-19
  • Confirm to reception that you do not evidence any symptoms identified to suggest Covid-19
  • Use the Trax QR code or complete a track and trace form
  • Wear a face mask

Please note that:

  • Parslows staff will be keeping a distance and not shaking hands (sorry)
  • Parslow staff will wear face masks/shields
  • whilst we are taking every precaution to minimise any risk of infection, by entering Parslows’ offices you do so at your own risk

We reserve the right of entry to our offices for non-compliance with the above.

Please note that the information provided on this website is for general information purposes only and is designed to provide you with an outline of the legal services we offer. Whilst we endeavour to ensure our information is correct and useful, we make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information offered. Information on our website does not constitute legal advice and Parslows Jersey accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, the information found in this website. Please consult a lawyer at Parslows Jersey in the event that you require professional assurance that our information, and your interpretation of the same, is correct.

For further advice please contact Parslows on 01534 630530 or click here.